Region of Istria has 209.020 inhabitants is administratively divided in 31 self-government units; 10 cities and 31 municipalities and it has been achieving results that have been among the most successful in the Republic of Croatia for many years.
According to the latest available data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the average GDP per capita in the Region of Istria in 2020 amounted to 12.684,00 EUR, which is 11% more than the average GDP per capita in the Republic of Croatia, while the registered unemployment rate in 2022 in the Region of Istria was 4%, which is 48% lower than the average unemployment rate in the Republic of Croatia in 2022.

In 2021 there were 12.402 entrepreneurs operating in the Region of Istria, employing 54.637 workers and moreover there were 8.863 craftsmen. The number of employees increased by 6.4% in comparison to the previous year, whereas the entrepreneurs in the Region of Istria make up 8.2% of all Croatian entrepreneurs. The net profit of Istrian entrepreneurs in 2022  amounted to 1.9 billion HRK while in 2021 was 1.8 million HRK realized, and among the biggest winners are the activities of providing accommodation, food preparation and serving, as well as the processing industry (Valamar Riviera, Plava laguna, Maistra,  Bina-Istra, TDR, Holcim, Valalta d.o.o. Rovinj, etc.). 

Tourism and hospitality industries are constantly growing and the largest hotel companies in the Republic of Croatia have their headquarters in the Region of Istria. In 2022, there were more than 29.5 million overnight stays and 4.7 million arrivals, which is an increase of 25 and 35 percent compared to the previous year. Therefore, in the recent period, tourism has been the carrier of the largest investments on the peninsula. This is accompanied by trade and the expansion and improvement of supply and significant investment in new facilities and trade centres. The IT sector is also on the rise, and the headquarters of the largest and fastest growing IT company – Infobip, are located in the Region of Istria.