To create and implement measures for the development of entrepreneurship in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy of Istria County.
To create and implement measures for the development of entrepreneurship in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy of Istria County.
IDA is a dynamic, flexible, innovative development agency oriented towards the development of Istria County as an economically competitive region of high living standards.
Istrian Development Agency - IDA was established in 1999 as the first regional development agency in the Republic of Croatia and as the key operational body for the implementation of the development programs of the Istria County. The founders of IDA are Istria County and all 10 Istrian cities: Buje, Buzet, Labin, Novigrad, Pazin, Poreč, Pula, Rovinj, Umag and Vodnjan. To sum up the current project success, since its establishment IDA has implemented 53 EU projects totaling more than €73 million, of which €8 million has been granted to IDA. Currently, 5 projects are being implemented with total value of more than 15 million €, of which is for IDA approved €3 million.
IDA's development activities have developed gradually over the years in line with the needs of entrepreneurs in the field and are focused today on:
Creation and implementation of measures for the development of entrepreneurship in order to increase the competitiveness of the economy of the Istria County.
EU projects are the main source of funding for development programs of the Istrian Development Agency in different areas, making it a self-sustaining agency.
Beginning in 2002, IDA has been systematically involved in the development of human resources in the private and public sectors through the implementation of various educational programs and projects.
Smart strategic planning is the cornerstone of sustainable socio-economic development of the Istria County and the impetus for faster growth and development.
In the strategic and financial perspective of the European Union in the period ending in 2020, research, development and innovation are among the main priorities for achieving smart and sustainable growth.